Thursday, May 14, 2009

I thought I took a week off to help Steve get settled into a schedule but....

I thought I took this week off to help get Steve settled into a schedule, but ended up spending most of my energy trying to get him scheduled for Chemo.

Called Dr. H's (Oncologist) office to schedule Steve's Chemo - had to leave message - voice mail says they will call back in 24 to 48 hours - chill runs down my spine - at this rate we won't be able to schedule Chemo for a long while.
10:00 nurse came, changed dressing on Steve's pick line, took blood, trained me to flush the pick line.
I decide to floss my teeth and break a tooth.
Went to my good friend and excellent dentist to check it out - I need a crown.
V calls from Dr H's office calls and says they have to get orders from Dr. H then get insurance approval before they can schedule
V from Dr. H's office calls. They have the orders, but have to get insurance approval before they can schedule. I call City of Mesa Benefits Office. Approval can be given usually within a few hours. Called Dr H's office and left message.
9:30 Occupational Therapist an hour late and calls to say we are not at home. Oops - she is at the wrong house.
Also at 9:30 Speech Therapist arrives. OT and Speech evaluate Steve.
2:00 Physical Therapy
Finally a call from V. They cannot schedule until their financial people get approval.
And by the way, we are Dr. R's patient not Dr. H's patient. I explain we saw Dr. R when hospitalized last September, but Dr. H treated us at the hospital in April and developed the treatment plan. So sorry - but the "computer" says we are Dr. R's patient. We tell V both Dr.'s are good - can we schedule the Chemo? V cannot schedule us - she works for Dr. H.
Dr. R's staff will need to call us to schedule.
Go to our family doctor. Steve comes close to falling twice. Once on the way into the building and once while walking back to see the doctor. We get 9 perscriptions.
Call and leave message again about scheduling Chemo with Dr. R's staff. Recieve call from Bonita (with Dr. R) asking if Charlotte has called to schedule Chemo. I tell her no. Bonita says Charlotte will be calling.
Steve falls, but luckily slides between some furnitue and does not hurt himself. It is the old balance issue.
Finished crown prep at dentist.
9:00 Occupational Therapy
9:30 nurse changes pick line dressing
10:00 Pysical Therapy
Early afternoon: No call from either oncologist. Sooooo....We drove to their office in Scottsdale. Amazingly, within 30 minutes, they found the orders, verified insurance, and now have Steve scheduled for Chemo tomorrow (Friday). The staff is confused because the "Orders" are written by Dr. H, but the "computer" says we belong to Dr. R.

At least we are scheduled.