Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8, 2009

The doctors reviewed the latest MRI. There is a new small lesion in Steve's left frontal lobe that has formed since mid March.
They also found a clot below Steve's left knee and some clots in his lungs. His hemoglobin is low and they will be giving him 2 units of blood this evening.
The debate today is whether to start Steve on Cytoxan tomorrow or wait a few more days for him to get stronger. Because of the new lesion, the neuroimmunologist wants to start asap. Cytoxan is a generic chemotherapy that is used for both demyelinating diseases and lymphoma.

I am praying that the doctors will be inspired to know the best action to take.


  1. I am a friend of both Sarah and Valerie. We love the Hydes and the Purcells. Oh, how I ache for you and your family. I wish we could do more than pray, but please know that we do pray for all of you daily, and think of you often. May you be comforted in this terribly trying time.

  2. Mary, thank you for posting about Steve's progress. I can't believe someone as healthy and strong, who has lived such a clean life could be struck so hard and so quickly. You and Steve are always in our prayers! Please give him our love
