Saturday, May 2, 2009

:-) Steve got to come home for the day :-)

Rehab gave Steve a "day pass" today. Patients can do whatever they feel like they can handle. Steve's roommate went to a ball game last week. Steve wanted to be in his home. He has been gone a looooooooooong time (hence the lack of beautiful flowers in our front yard). He entered the hospital on April 2.

Family came over for lunch and then we had a quiet afternoon. Mainly we sat and smiled at each other. It was a very good day.


  1. It was great to see Steve at home. I am so happy to hear that you both enjoyed the day.

    Shannon and family

  2. Wonderful news! There is no place like home.

  3. I know Steve must have loved being at home! (and you too) We are fasting for him today as I'm sure the whole ward is. I will remind the sisters in RS to be specific in their fast and prayers about the numbness as well as a total "healing miracle". We love you both.

  4. Isn't it amazing what small things are really what is important in life. I can only imagine how wonderful it was to just have him home for the day. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Love, Joanne and Paul Fillmore
